Thursday, June 22, 2006

Without Further Ado...I present Eina!

Ok, so I've been delinquent with posting. I've been told to come down off my puppy high. Without actually doing that (:-)) I will present pictures of Eina (baby pictures(4wks) at the bottom, recent pictures(8wks) at top) without further ado...

NOTE: Knuckles and Eina are in love with each other. They will not stop wrestling. From the moment Eina spots Knuckles in the morning until bedtime, she attacks him every chance she gets and jumps on his head, barks at him, rolls around him, etc. He either stares at her or decides to go for it and wrestle. I swear some of his moves look like he should be on Monday Night Wrestling. We've even seen him body-slam her and sit on her head. Lately when he's tired of her wrestling he puts one or two paws on her stomach and just looks around the room absently while she is wildly struggling to get up and attack him again. Beautiful and highly amusing. They will be great friends...

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BABY EINA (4 weeks old, at the breeder's):

Have I mentioned yet that she is adorable?
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Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Off to enjoy a night of knitting!

Hi everyone. I'm not dead, just obsessed with a puppy... a cute, intelligent and stubborn puppy. She's getting better on her housetraining (I'm only waking up once a night to take her out now) and obeying commands such as "come" and "sit". She still doesn't like the leash but she's getting better. Soon (I swear! DH ordered needed item to "fix" computer) I will post pictures and update you on the knitting front. I have many items OTN right now but I feel the urge to cast on anyway tonight for a swatch. I am having a need to start designing a light cable sweater with a brown/beige heathered yarn that I got off ebay a while back so I need to decide which cable pattern I'd like to feature all over my chest! I'll be sure to post pics of that soon as well (No, not of my of the sweater/swatch progress...geez!)

Off to enjoy a night of knitting!

Friday, June 09, 2006

Welcome home, Eina!!

Computer problems are a bugger. I am posting from work during a break today so I can satisfy your curiosity at least a little bit! The breeder from which we bought Eina has posted the a pic of Eina, BJ, and I on the day we picked her up to bring her home and a few pictures of Eina's brother (last remaining un-purchased pup of the litter) and Mom. Until I can get pictures on my computer again (hopefully soon!) this will have to suffice.

The three of us...a family...complete when we returned home and introduced Knuckles and Eina. The situation with the two of them, by the way, gets more and more entertaining every day. The last few days they have been literally rolling around on the floor wrestling with each other, pinning each other down and biting and barking/meowing. We believe they are involved in a dual-purpose engagement: 1) establish dominance or lack thereof and 2) ultimately become buddies. Currently Knuckles seems to have the upper hand since he is still bigger but Eina can bite pretty well so she's got a bit of defense. The buddy thing is coming along nicely as well - Eina has been obsessed with the cat since day one but the cat is now getting into the act as well. They walk around together, lay down close to each other, have stare-downs, and both try to dash out of the house together. Our own little family! Now the only thing to make it complete would be a baby...but I think I feel enough like a mother right now as it is with all the getting up in the middle of the night for housebreaking so babies will have to wait for a bit.
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